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ErlPort downloads



The easiest method to install ErlPort is by using one of the binary packages. Select the package for your version of Erlang and unpack it to an Erlang library directory. The default Erlang library directory can be found with code:lib_dir/0 function. Please check the "Code Path" section of the code module documentation for more details about the library directory.

ErlPort library also can be run or installed from the source packages or repository. To install ErlPort from a source package just unpack the package to a directory of your choice. Or you can use Git to clone the ErlPort repository with the following command:

$ git clone

After you unpacking the sources either by using one of the source packages or cloning the repository you can use make command to build them:

$ make

To build the binary packages just issue the following command which will create the packages directory with new packages:

$ make release

If you just want to run ErlPort from the source directory you can start Erlang shell with ErlPort with the following command:

$ erl -env ERL_LIBS ../erlport

Please check Documentation page for features of ErlPort, examples and more details of how to use the library.

ErlPort 1.0.0alpha

Make sure you read Installation instruction before downloading any of the packages below.

WARNING: It's still an alpha version so expect bugs and backward incompatible changes in the future

Binary packages

The following are the binary packages compiled for each supported version of Erlang and packaged into tar.gz and zip archives:

ErlPort 1.0.0alpha tar.gz archive for Erlang R17 erlport-R17-0.9.8.tar.gz (77K)
ErlPort 1.0.0alpha zip archive for Erlang R17 (127K)
ErlPort 1.0.0alpha tar.gz archive for Erlang R16 erlport-R16-0.9.8.tar.gz (77K)
ErlPort 1.0.0alpha zip archive for Erlang R16 (127K)
ErlPort 1.0.0alpha tar.gz archive for Erlang R15 erlport-R15-0.9.8.tar.gz (77K)
ErlPort 1.0.0alpha zip archive for Erlang R15 (127K)
ErlPort 1.0.0alpha tar.gz archive for Erlang R14 erlport-R14-0.9.8.tar.gz (76K)
ErlPort 1.0.0alpha zip archive for Erlang R14 (126K)
ErlPort 1.0.0alpha tar.gz archive for Erlang R13 erlport-R13-0.9.8.tar.gz (76K)
ErlPort 1.0.0alpha zip archive for Erlang R13 (126K)

Source packages

The ErlPort source archives in tar.gz and zip formats:

ErlPort 1.0.0alpha tar.gz sources archive erlport-src-0.9.8.tar.gz (72K)
ErlPort 1.0.0alpha zip sources archive (155K)